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- ' This simple macro asks the user for a string, then allows them to set
- ' one point. The string and XYZ value of the point are written out to
- ' an ASCII text file in the DesignCAD directory.
- '
- ' Create an Array for the points the user sets
- Dim X(1), Y(1), Z(1)
- ' Open the Data file, (*\ denotes the DesignCAD directory).
- open "o", 1, "*\KDW.txt"
- ' Loop from end
- Start:
- ' Set Precision to 7 places to the right of the decimal
- Precision 7
- ' Prompt User to for value to be exported to the file with this point
- input "Enter Value for . . .", val$
- ' Prompt User for Point
- setpoint "Set point . . . " 1
- ' Store points the user just set into the Array
- for a = 1 to Sys(1)
- PointVal X(a), Y(a), Z(a) a
- temp$ = val$," ",X(a), Y(a), Z(a)
- Print #1, Temp$
- next a
- ' Loop to start?
- input "Done?, Y/N", val2$
- if val2$ = "n" then goto Start
- if val2$ = "N" then goto Start
- ' Close Data File
- Close #1
- end